Monday, July 30, 2012

IRRT Research Study Update

By Sharon Richie-Melvan, Ph.D.
Certified Practitioner, Rapid Resolution Therapy 
IRRT Research Director

Thank you, thank you, thank you to the 19 certified practitioners who have volunteered to participate in the IRRT Study 2 Research Project thus far! Every qualified CP who attended the California Level III retreat volunteered to be part of the study and we are so very grateful. If you have been thinking about it, know that it is not too late to participate. Contact us today if you want to be a part of this ground breaking study.

Please note that our study administrator Denise Smith just relocated from Philadelphia to Florida. Her new telephone number is 352.419.4434 and new mailing address is 15 N. Archwood Drive Inverness, FL 34450. We have changed all her contact information on the new study packets. Even though Denise does yeomen work sending out the study packets and processing the CP qualification forms and client consent forms; her valiant efforts were thwarted this month with Florida's weather challenges. Please understand that we have had some unexpected delays in processing a few study packets. They are on the way to you!

We heard your suggestions and have made changes to simplify the study packets and the study process. All new packets now contain multiple copies of our screening form the Life Events Checklist (LEC), stamps and envelopes pre-addressed to Dr. Tom Dikel in Gainesville. If you need more supplies just call Denise. Also new in the process is that there is no need to individually mail in the LEC forms of those clients who are screened out or those who decline to participate. Instead feel free to batch the forms and mail them in weekly. The LEC's are a critical part of this research process, so that we can show evidence that we have accounted for every single client seen by a CP during their participation in the study.

To ensure that each IRRT Study 2 CP is getting our research process updates in a timely manner, we will begin sending out individual emails. Please keep those ideas and suggestions flowing back to us, call me (352.476.5599) if you have questions and know how very much each of you are appreciated!

Article courtesy of Dr. Sharon Richie-Melvan, Ph.D., Certified Rapid Resolution Therapist. Dr. Sharon also co-authored the book, "Angel Walk: Nurses at War in Iraq and Afghanistan," with Dr. Diane Vines, Ph.D, Certified Rapid Resolution Therapist. Within the book, Dr. Sharon recommends Rapid Resolution Therapy as a PTSD treatment approach.

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