Certified Practitioners are now eligible to begin their candidacy in the Master Certified Practitioner (MCP) Program as soon as they become certified, following 50 hours of training in
Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution®. Below are the benefits, requirements and new mentorship program!
• Access to promotional material for private practice including Rapid Resolution Therapy® logo, Rapid Trauma Resolution® logo, IRRT Master Certified Practitioner seal, customizable brochure and flyer
• Promotion of personal workshops and opportunities to share client success stories through the IRRT newsletter
• Advertising and promotion on IRRT Facebook fanpage, Twitter, Clear Trauma blog, and YouTube and monthly promotion in Psychotherapy Networker
• Networking opportunities with other members of the IRRT community
• Referrals from the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy® and Institute for Survivors of Sexual Violence
• Priority listing as a Master Certified Practitioner with contact information on the IRRT websites
• Opportunities to provide workshops for the IRRT community at advanced level III trainings
• Opportunities to assist Dr. Connelly as an IRRT Associate Trainer at his trainings throughout the country
• Opportunities to lead biweekly teleconference trainings
• Attendance with tuition waived at any IRRT training (Level I, II, III)
• Invitations to intensive trainings with Dr. Connelly reserved for Master Certified Practitioners
• Biweekly teleconference training and coaching with Dr. Connelly and/or his Master Certified Practitioners
• Advanced case materials which teach the process of Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution® and Rapid Trauma Resolution®
• Access to practice building consultation with Rapid Resolution Therapy® Certified Practitioners with successful Rapid Resolution Therapy® practices.
• Opportunities to contribute to the next generation of RRT Certified Practitioners by mentoring practitioners seeking Master Certified Practitioner status with the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy®
• Opportunities to create RRT Consultation groups in your local community.
In order to be certified by the
Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy® as a Master Certified Practitioner in Rapid Resolution Therapy® an individual must be licensed as a medical or mental health professional. Candidates must have completed a minimum of 200 hours of training in Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution® and Rapid Resolution Therapy®.
During the Certified Practitioner’s candidacy period his or her mentor will identify and submit three transcripts with audios (covering different material, e.g., anxiety, grief, trauma, anger, substance cravings, etc) along with the mentor’s recommendation to Master Certified Practitioner Coordinator, Dr. Doug Schooler at
dougschooler@hotmail.com, for acceptance into the Master Certified Practitioner program.
Master Certified Practitioners must review advanced case material and attend at least two 25 hour advanced level III training per year. The
Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy®, Inc. is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to all individuals who have experienced sexual violence and other trauma regardless of their financial status. Master Certified Practitioners are required to provide pro bono services to those lacking financial resources with reasonable frequency. In order for certification status to remain active, the annual certification fee of $297 per month or $3395 per year must be paid in full.
In order to become a candidate for the MCP Program, Certified Practitioners should contact Mentorship Program Coordinator Melinda Paige at
cleartrauma@gmail.com to state their intent to begin candidacy. At this time the Certified Practitioner will enter the Mentorship Program and may select a mentor (a current Master Certified Practitioner) who will review the candidate’s Rapid Resolution Therapy clinical work while the candidate completes the necessary training hours.
After reviewing the transcripts and audios submitted by the CP, the Mentor will forward the work samples to Doug Schooler, Master Certified Practitioner Program Coordinator, along with his or her recommendation for the candidate’s acceptance into the Master Certified Practitioner Program. The mentorship consultation fee is $100 per transcript/audio paid directly to the MCP Mentor. MCP Mentors will be listed on the community message board along with their contact information.