Join Dr. Jon Connelly, Master and Certified Rapid Resolution Therapists, and fellow mental health therapists at the Level III Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Resolution Therapy training in Tampa, FL, this summer.
During the Level III Training, you will refine and enhance your RRT skills in one-on-one sessions and small-group forums. For each training, you will receive 25 continued education contact hours.
Tampa Level III Training
***Reminder: Accommodations must be paid by Sept. 2 to secure rooms at the Bethany Center.***
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Learn To Do Hypnosis With Children Sept. 13-14 / Tampa, FL | |
Learn to use Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Resolution Therapy with Children to reduce the effects of trauma, improve behavior at home and school, increase academic and athletic performance, and enhance self esteem. At the serene surroundings of Bethany Retreat Center, Master RRT Practitioner Molly Sanford, LCSW, will teach you how to use hypnosis to help children reach their dreams.
Learning objectives:
Continued Education: Earn 14 CEs Cost:
Registration: Click here to register for this workshop. If you need any assistance, please call 866-615-4325 or email
Molly Sanford is a Licensed Therapist, Master Practitioner in Rapid Resolution Therapy, Child and Adolescent Counselor, and a Board Certified Hypnotherapist. With more than 13 years of clinical experience working with children, families and adults, Molly specializes in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Trauma, Sexual Assault, Depression, Anxiety, Grief and Loss. Molly currently maintains a private practice in Tampa, Florida.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Only 3 Weeks Until The IRRT Level III Training in Tampa With New Workshop To Learn Hypnosis with Children
Monday, August 27, 2012
IRRT Level I Participant Success Story!
By Michael Cortina, LCSW
Level I Certified, Rapid Resolution Therapy
I recently attended the Level I training given by
Dr. Connelly. I am glad to say that he has taken my model and framework of
working with individuals for nearly the past two decades and turned it upside
down! This was a thrilling, thought provoking, practice changing, and
extraordinary experience! This training reignited a strong passion in me
regarding my professional/clinical work that I have not felt in some time. I am
spreading the word about RTR to my team, my executive administration, and
beyond. I feel compelled to practice this approach with as many clients as I am
able and to encourage the professional development of other professionals in
the field by attending this training. I
am excited and honored to tell you about the experience I had with the very
first client using RRT.
The client and I both had the most amazing experience. I met with a client who was referred to me by one of my staff therapists. She had been in therapy for one year with no improvement. She said she usually left the session crying or left early as she just couldn't handle it. She described feeling depressed, angry, and hopeless regarding the traumatic event she had experienced. After a single 45-minute RTR session, she was freed from that persistent emotional pain. She kept saying over and over again, "You have no idea what you just did," "Oh my god," "I can't believe I am smiling - you can see my dimples again," "I have not been able to do that (tell that story) without breaking down for the past year!" It was probably the most rewarding experience in my professional career! It was completely surreal! She said she would be shaking her head the whole way home and was going to call her sister and tell her how 'this man' just changed my life. As I mentioned above, it was clearly amazing for her but it was also amazing for me. To be able to influence and experience that kind of a profound impact on somebody's life is simply phenomenal. This was very reinforcing for me!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Using Attachment Figures
By Mark Chidley, LMHC, CAP
Certified Practitioner, Rapid Resolution Therapy
In Rapid Resolution Therapy we use attachment figures as the cornerstone piece in relieving what we term as "frozen grief. Frozen grief is the disturbance left in a person's mind after the impact of the physical passing of a loved one. An abiding sense of loss, sadness, regret, or being cut off from the person is the common experience of so many for whom the impact couples with the limitations of our five senses to create this special kind of pain. Frozen grief is accentuated by circumstances of a passing that leave the survivor with the sense that the departure was too early, unfair, abrupt, could have been prevented, or that enough wasn't done.
Attachment figure is one with whom we share a special kind of bond, the attachment bond. We only form these with people our minds recognize as crucial to our survival, some think with only a few people in a lifetime. They are those whom we know have our back, can always be counted on to be there for us. They literally form the secure base and safe haven that we need to launch into the world to explore our identities and capacities as we make the journey through life. They could be a parent, a grandparent, a sibling or some other central figure early on, and later, in adulthood, a spouse or partner. No wonder their passing or even threatened separation is often felt so traumatically.
But years later these figures can serve as valuable sources of inspiration and strength, as inner guides with timely support to get through troubled times. Their wisdom and unique talents live inside us, unless frozen grief blocks our access to them. Or it happens that we may have simply forgotten the learnings they gave us that we still possess.
I'm thinking of a case where a very downtrodden caretaking man couldn't shake his chronic depression and the feeling he could never do enough for the wife who had long since detached from their relationship, but with whom he still lived. The therapist tried to use reasoning, empathy, insight, a host of tools, and was getting nowhere. She then asked him who was the one person he could go to with his hurts and needs as a child. He indicated he could go to his mother. She then brought mother imaginatively into the room with considerable therapeutic preparation and skill. When the man was ready to listen, the mother told her son he'd done enough, that he was dying inside this relationship, and that it was time to take care of himself. He responded to a source of wisdom and support that he had inside all along, but that he'd forgotten how to access. He eventually moved on to a better life with a total remission of his depression. Attachment figures can be used in this way by skilled therapists.
I was initially certified in Gestalt Therapy, and we used the double chair technique regularly to call upon the qualities of a beloved figure to help the participant through some current life dilemma. It would often go well, but just as often I'd get a participant who just couldn't connect through dialogue. They'd say something like, "This just feels too weird talking to him like this, can't we do it some other way?"
I didn't understand it then but I know now, I was trying to do an end run around the critical, logic-oriented conscious mind without the proper preparation. In RRT we've solved this problem through some special procedures that access the unconscious mind and unleash its power to follow a therapist into new connections. We regularly see Jon Connolly, RRT's creator, successfully get grieving persons back in touch with the experiences they've never truly lost and not just with their memories, but the attachment figure's essence, in a way that is healing, relieving, and life-giving. People come out of session with the color back in their faces, a lighter heart, and able to feel all their feelings again, once energy is no longer trapped in needless grieving.
In private moments when I'm troubled by something, I now practice what I've been taught. I get myself into a relaxed state where my conscious mind with its clumsy steerage isn't running the show, and I get back in touch with my grandfather's tender care, or my dad's dry wit that could bring any problem down to size, or my mom's incredible generosity which is my north star for getting back on track in relationships. They are all inside. It's just a matter of getting out of my own way.
Monday, August 20, 2012
More Ways To Market Your Practice!
We recently have had
many inquiries in regards to the RRT brochure that was specifically designed
for RRT Practitioners. The brochure can be modified with your photo and contact
information. It is accessible at the Certified Practitioner Login at the Rapid
Resolution Therapy site. Once logged in to the site, scroll down to Rapid
Resolution Therapy Resources, click on Ads and Brochures for IRRT, then click
on Rapid Resolution Therapy Brochure.
These brochures are
designed for use by Certified Practitioners with the Institute for Rapid
Resolution Therapy only. There are 3 files attached. Two are
instructional brochures which indicate in bright pink where the brochure may be
customized by the individual practitioner. The PDF brochure is blank and may be
used as is or customized by the individual practitioner.
These brochures were
designed by Aura Grafix. If you would like your individual brochure customized
and printed please contact a printer of your choice or Eddie Malka at
954-304-0292 Let him know you are a Certified
Practitioner with the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Research Update, Military Outreach, and RRT CP Opportunities
By Sharon Richie-Melvan, Ph.D.
Just a quick thank you to each certified RRT practitioner who volunteered for the second research study. We now have more than enough volunteer therapists. As pre and post treatment client data is collected and sent to our analyst in Gainesville, FL, we stand ready to answer questions, provide assistance or supply more materials as needed.
Another source of potential military client info is the latest newsletter from "Give an Hour." If you haven't already done so, please go to their website and sign up to be a volunteer therapist (who can really make a difference with your RRT skills). That newsletter edition also has details about the Wounded Warrior Project's (WWP) upcoming Odyssey programs. With the WWP's Southeast Coordinator now a certified RRT practitioner (a shout out to Russ Dean), we hope to have at least one certified RRT therapist sign up for each of these trips. I am developing an interactive suicide and domestic violence prevention program for active duty soldiers (their family members and Department of Defense civilians) and would appreciate any new resource materials that you have found that are particularly effective. I am travelling so it is best to reach me via email or on my cell. Thanks again for all that you are doing to reach out to our military service members and their families.
Thanks also to recent Level 2 grad, Joshua Shannon (CEO, Gulf Coast Rehabilitation Services), all certified RRT practitioners have an opportunity to apply to be part of a confidential, proprietary referral network to provide RRT for their clients. If you are interested in learning the details about this opportunity to expand your practice please email him ( ) and note in the subject line that you are a certified RRT practitioner seeking referrals. Josh's network is nationwide and he would love to have RRT therapists in every county in the US and abroad. Our network of RRT therapists is powerful given our faith in RRT and in each other!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Presenting at the 2012 AMHCA Conference
By Mark Chidley, LMHC, CAP
Certified Practitioner, Rapid Resolution Therapy
I was privileged to present RRT to
a break out session of 24 clinicians at the annual meeting of the American
Mental Health Counselor Association held this year at the Buena Vista Palace
Hotel and Spa in Orlando. The conference was packed and there were plenty of
interesting topics offered by speakers from nearly every area within mental
health. Scanning the program, I noted the interest shown in reaching kids whoʼd
suffered trauma, helping the returning Vet with TBI or PTSD, and couples whoʼd experienced
domestic violence. To the best of my knowledge, this was their first ever preview
of RRT.
I followed a format that I had
tweaked, fine-tuned, and timed to fit into the one hour and fifty minute slot.
I went through the DVD version of the hour presentation thatʼs on the CP
website, Jonʼs work with Leah. This is so well done that it could work well as
a stand-alone, but certainly was a natural to lead off with and provided a
solid introduction to some of RRTʼs main concepts and terrain. As a testimony
to the methodʼs effectiveness, I also injected the beautiful testimony provided
by one of my clients, a survivor of a horrific plane crash whom I cleared in
early 2011.
Her photos of flying in an old-fashioned open cockpit biplane over
Sanibel Island was proof positive that the crash that had so dominated her life
for 26 years was now in the category of mere data and therefore no longer had a
grip on her joie de vivre. She had won with the help of RRT and her victory
caught the audienceʼs interest.
I briefly touched on other
philosophies and perspectives on treating trauma to show how RRT stands out as
such a game changer and departure from the conventional wisdom in the field. And
then I did a live demonstration. This is the part I had devoted the most preparation
to, but to be honest, there were still some butterflies. But I offered to work with
anyone from the audience who might be dealing with a pain issue. I figured that
was a sure bet because most of them had journeyed there in narrow airline
seats, were sleeping in strange hotel beds, and had been sitting all day on
those hard, aluminum frame conference chairs! Sure enough, one gal came forward
who had back and knee issues and a current pain level of six.
For her, I used a condensed
version of our pain protocol, represented for those not yet familiar, by Jonʼs
recorded session with Danielle, which we reviewed last time on the teleconference.
I note this is just another reason it pays to attend the twice a month teleconferences
and hear the commentary and questions of colleagues. We know what learning is
about--with each round of practice and discussion we get more familiar with Jonʼs
methods and more adept ourselves. You never know when someone might ask you to
speak on RRT. By doing this you can feel more confident by having a few representative
samples of the work fresh in your mind, ready to go.
It all worked out well. The womanʼs
pain level came right down and she along with the audience was astonished at
the speed and effectiveness of the method. What touched me most, however, was
at the back of the room was a girl in a wheelchair, a person paralyzed from a
high spinal injury breathing with an air tube. She had waited patiently to talk
to me while her dad was still arriving to pick her up. She asked if we ever saw
people like her and wondered if her atypical pain patterns from dysregulated
muscles and nerve damage could benefit from such an approach. She represented a
whole application of RRT I had never considered. I talked with her for a long
time and gave her my card. She came from the Altamonte Springs area, so my hope
is she does contact me or one of our other clinicians in that part of Florida.
I was deeply humbled and awed by the thought driving home that she came out to
this event and couldnʼt have known I was going to go over the pain protocol
when she decided to attend. Thereʼs a mystery to this work that canʼt be put
into words. I am glad I reaffirmed to her the power of the inner mind and itʼs
elegant ability to take care of our best interests, no matter what our
I hope everyone reading this gives
some thought to spreading the word in your local communities and beyond. You
can never know whose life youʼre going to touch, or who, by their showing up,
will touch yours.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Help Spread The Word About RRT
Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution 3-Day Training
Presented by Dr. Jon Connelly
I put together lists for upcoming Level I trainings, and we call just a dozen practitioners (currently doing that slow boring therapy) and get them the good news that there's a better way! They can check out the website for the video where Jon talks to the 9/11 guy and changes grief/guilt into light and then book through Lynne. All you do is tell them about it and maybe share your experience with how the technique has transformed a client of yours.
Also, if you want to notify practitioners in your are, we are starting a grassroots campaign for that as well. Please contact me for more information or to start spreading the world at
Thanks sincerely,
Autumn Hahn, LMHC, CCHt
Director of Outreach, Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy
Sept. 7 - 9, College Park, GA
Oct. 26 - 28, Orlando, FL
Nov. 16 - 18, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Aug. 3 - 5, Denver, CO
Oct. 12 - 14, College Park, GA
Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, Orlando, FL
Dec. 14 - 16, Fort Lauderdale, FL
For more information on Clinical Hypnosis with Rapid Trauma Resolution Trainings, please click here.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Reminder: Upcoming RRT Consultation Meeting
Greetings All!
Wow, where does the time
Please let me know if
you will be attending, thanks. My cell number is: 305-632-8706. Hope everyone is doing
well and having a cool summer!
Warmest wishes,
Stephanie J. Harris, Psy.D., C.Ht.
Licensed Psychologist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Energy
Healing Practitioner
Friday, August 3, 2012
Customize RRT Brochures To Market Your Practice!
Certified RRT Practitioner Chris Harris reaches out to those
who served us. Chris utilized the available Rapid Resolution Therapy brochures
to market his private practice. If you would like to do the same, please contact
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