Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy wants to join forces with Certified Practitioners (CPs) across the country to produce a book of hope for the public; an accessible one that describes the world of Rapid Resolution Therapy in layman terms. Think of all of the potential RRT clients browsing the aisles in bookstores at the mall, library or airport who could pick up a book that describes someone with their same history of pain or abuse. They would not only read about their own painful story but also about the healing that takes place with RRT.
Also think about your fellow therapists around the world who are worn down by a clinical practice of unending clients who never get better. Then think of your own personal joy experiencing RRT during your training and then providing RRT the very next week at work; and getting better at it with each session. Think of your joy going to work knowing that you will make a profound difference in someone's life. With this book we can reach out to these therapists and offer them hope for a vocation that truly feeds their soul.
The stories already shared in this newsletter are perfect examples of what we need for our evolving
Life Changing Conversations book. The working topics for the book include:
- "Changed Lives" with client stories about Sexual Abuse, Post Traumatic Stress, Veterans, Panic Disorders, Depression, Frozen Grief, and Addictions & Cravings
- "Changed Clinical Practices" with highlights/stories of Out-patient care provided across the country, In-Patient Care provided at places like the Beachcomber and Palm Partners, and Children & Adolescent Care such as with Molly's practice
- "Changed Education & Training Practices" with a general description of the courses and testimonials from Level I Basic Training, Level II Advanced Training, the Certified Practitioner's Program (with its monthly case reviews, etc.), the Master Practitioner Program and twice yearly Retreats for CPs.
Please take a moment to think about your patients and/or about your own personal/professional growth working with RRT and then send us your stories. I suspect that some of your birthday messages to
Dr. Jon (like ours) spoke to your gratitude for the personal healing and professional growth that you have experienced with him. With your permission (we can do this anonymously too), we can add your story to our treasure chest. If you are not comfortable writing your story, please contact Dr. Sharon Richie-Melvan at for an interview appointment so that we can capture your RRT jewels.
*Article co
urtesy of Dr. Sharon Richie-Melvan, Ph.D., Certified Rapid Resolution Therapist. Dr. Sharon also co-authored the book, "Angel Walk: Nurses at War in Iraq and Afghanistan," with Dr. Diane Vines, Ph.D, Certified Rapid Resolution Therapist. Within the book, Dr. Sharon recommends Rapid Resolution Therapy as a PTSD treatment approach (p. 97). To purchase your copy today, please click here.
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