You began by sharing with us how in 1968
You put your life on the line,
And I knew right then you'd have our full attention the entire time.
You proceeded to tell us that most of what we learned and were doing
though well-intentioned was flat out wrong.
Had this guy spent too much time with a bong?
Yet the more you shared, the more sense you made,
and the more we "got it" our sacred cows seem to shift and fade.
Using acting, humor, science, and metaphor,
we began to see therapy as never before.
Even though sitting on the stool could get a little hot,
your competency, transparency, and encouragement helped us give it a shot.
Using acting, humor, science, and metaphor,
we began to see therapy as never before.
Even though sitting on the stool could get a little hot,
your competency, transparency, and encouragement helped us give it a shot.
Thank you for teaching us about connection, symbols, and trance
as you walked us through the steps of a strange new dance.
Helping us see through a different lens and try on clothes
that didn't seem to fit.
And realizing in the Here and Now, the woulda, shoulda, coulda's
don't mean Jack Shit!
Your persistent patience helped us move along.
With ducks in the water and where's the bread?
Most of it doesn't exist when it's all been said.
You wouldn't let us take any notes
and pay attention to rabbits, wolves, and goats.
We'll never see zebras and snowflakes quite the same way
as we go about our lives from day to day.
So thanks again Jon for sharing your wisdom
and once again putting your life on the line for us.
Thanks for a bedtime story of 4 little men.
We'll think of you fondly, and our group experience now and then.
Happy trails until we meet again.
~ David Cooper, Fort Wayne, Indiana
This is great- thanks for sharing this and thanks to David for writing it!