• Use of Centers for Rapid Resolution Therapy® branding and promotional material including Rapid Resolution Therapy® logo, Rapid Trauma Resolution® logo, and other marketing materials such as brochures and ad copy to advertise your Center.
• Promotion of your Center and RRT certified staff through press releases, public service announcements and other media releases distributed by public relations professionals.
• Advertising and promotion on IRRT Facebook fanpage, Twitter, Clear Trauma blog, IRRT newsletter and the IRRT YouTube Channel.
• Monthly promotion in Psychotherapy Networker
• Your own locally optimized page on the Centers for Rapid Resolution Therapy® website www.rrtcenters.com, a nationally search engine optimized website with twenty keyword phrases targeting therapy services such as: Depression and Anxiety, Intensive Trauma Therapy and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment and training services such as: Trauma Therapy Training, Clinical Hypnosis Training and Clinical Hypnotherapy Training
• Consultation with public relations and social media branding specialists at the IRRT.
• Consultation with practice-building specialists who have created their own successful RRT practices.
• Consultation with credentialing specialists to become a board certified hypnosis training provider or general training provider in your state offering continuing education credit to mental health professionals.
• Opportunities to provide nationally advertised trainings/workshops with the IRRT
• Opportunities to receive train-the-trainer coaching by Dr. Connelly as an IRRT Associate Trainer at trainings throughout the country
Certified Practitioner Mentoring
• Opportunities to contribute to the next generation of RRT Certified Practitioners by mentoring Certified Practitioners seeking Master Certified Practitioner status with the IRRT
• Opportunities to create RRT Consultation/Supervision groups in your local community
Centers for Rapid Resolution Therapy® are individually owned psychotherapy practices prepared to offer more than psychotherapy. These IRRT Certified Treatment Centers located throughout the country are designed to provide mental health treatment, professional training and consultation in the local community as a Certified Treatment Center staffed with mental health and trauma resolution specialists. Finally, these locally held headquarters for RRT reach out into their communities to provide pro bono mental health services to trauma survivors without access to financial resources.
In order to be certified by the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy® as a Certified Treatment Center for Rapid Resolution Therapy® the licensee must be licensed as a medical or mental health professional. The licensee must also be a Master Certified Practitioner with the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy®.
TRADEMARK LICENSING GUIDELINES - For Certified Practitioners, the Master Certified Practitioner Program, and the Certified Treatment Center
Certified Practitioners are granted permission to use the Connelly names and trademarks in connection with their mental health practice under the following conditions:
• Certified Practitioners agree that all services offered under the Connelly Trademarks shall strictly conform with the methods as instructed by Dr. Connelly.
• In all Certified Practitioner promotional materials, including websites and written brochures, Dr. Jon Connelly shall be identified as the creator and developer of the methods used in connection with Rapid Trauma Resolution and Rapid Resolution Therapy.
• Certified Practitioners agree not to use any of the names or trademarks of Dr. Connelly except as provided in these guidelines. All Certified Practitioner uses of the Connelly Trademarks, Rapid Resolution Therapy and Rapid Trauma Resolution, shall be in compliance with the following requirements and all Connelly Trademarks must be displayed and illustrated in exactly the manner included below:
1. All displays or illustrations of Connelly Trademarks shall also include the following notice: “Rapid Resolution Therapy and Rapid Trauma Resolution were founded and developed by, and are both trademarks of Dr. Jon Connelly and are used under license.”
2. All Certified Practitioner promotional materials including print, media and electronic, (including websites), may utilize any text found on the websites http://www.cleartrauma.com/ and http://www.rapidresolutiontherapy.com/ provided that such text must be taken exactly as published and shall all include the bolded ownership statement above.
3. All Certified Practitioner websites shall include a link, prominently displayed, to Dr. Connelly’s websites, http://www.cleartrauma.com/ and http://www.rapidresolutiontherapy.com/.
4. No domain names containing any names or trademarks of Dr. Connelly may be used without expressed written permission from Dr. Connelly as this is considered trademark infringement by law.
5. Upon termination of this Agreement, Certified Practitioner will immediately cease the use of any names or trademarks of Dr. Connelly including names or trademarks that resemble the Connelly names or trademarks.
6. The use of the Connelly names and trademarks are granted under a license fee which is included in the Certification Practitioner certification fee.
7. The term of this agreement shall be for a period of one year commencing from the date of this agreement and coinciding with the duration of the Certified Practitioner’s certification Fee period. Said Agreement shall be automatically renewed upon Certified Practitioner’s payment of successive annual certification fees, unless terminated by written notice of termination to the other party with at least ninety (90) days notice prior to the expiration of said term.
Nice and very informative blog..
ReplyDeleteCredentialing specialist
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