An integrated approach utilizing CBT and Mindfulness strategies for the treatment of trauma and other emotional disorders.
In this clinically focused workshop, Wayne Brown shares his excitement in the genius that is the Connelly method of Rapid Resolution Therapy®. This advance method of treatment utilizes multi-level communication eliminating the negative effects from painful life events. This unique and respectful approach to healing facilitates transformation through powerful tools that effect emotions, beliefs, expectation and even perceived reality. Learn advance and innovative techniques while becoming effective facilitators of growth and healing. Rapid Resolution Therapy® provides emotional freedom to survivors of sexual violence, incest, child abuse and other traumatic events. This program is approved by the National Association of Social Workers for 6 continuing education contact hours.
The Presenter: Wayne Brown, RSW, LCSW
Wayne is a popular workshop leader and speaker who combines solid research and experience with humor to create positive learning experiences. In addition to his private practice in Toronto and Fort Lauderdale, FL, he regularly conducts workshops in Canada and the United States.
Workshop Dates Fort Lauderdale, FL:
Friday, Aug. 12
Friday, Sept. 9
Friday, Oct. 14
Friday, Nov. 4
Friday, Dec. 2
For additional information, directions and registration please visit www.waynebrownlcsw.com or call 954-536-8257.
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